Saturday, May 19, 2007

Saturday... hot and sunny!


Jammy thank you so much for posting emmas pictures. i think she has grown 2 inches. You look beautiful Emma!!!

Its very hot again. has to be over 80 at 11:00. We just visited Cole. He is very good with his new toy.. a shape sorting box. The couple from Isreal too there son today. The tried to have a party, but they would not let the kids have tort cake or suckers. said the sugar would hurt there teeth. We will make a note of that for our good bye party. Dry sweet crackers and fresh juice. We actually sat in his little eatting room during the party. Its very clean, no clutter. I saw little toddler beds in another room. I will ask if one is Coles when our translator is here on Monday.

We did confirm we have court on Monday at 11;00. Our translator will come in sunday night and get us and the paperwork ready. Then begins the 10 day count down!! Yeah.

We got Cole a few items of travel clothing and new shoes. His little sholders are 9 inches across and his waist is 18 inches around. He is in a 23 shoe, but the new ones we got him are 24 and a tiny bit big. Mom the 23 1/2 sound perfect!!!

Today our big adventure is to buy a new toliet seat. the one in the apt is broken on the back... and we want a new one. Yesterday we had pizza for lunch.. and it was actually really good pizza. Ham and mushroom with lots of cheese.

I will try to email and or call all of you this week. its really hot in this little cafe, 15 computers, 20 kids, no air conditioner. Lisa i got your email... thanks i enjoyed reading it. i will try to call tues. monica and leslie have fun at the play day. ross, beth, sandy, jim... Cole sends his love and kisses.

Emma we love an miss you ... I hope you enjoyed shrek with grandma. i hope you got your crocs too. hugs and kisses from mommy and daddy. XOXOXOXO


Grandma & Grandpa King said...

Hi Mom, Hi Dad:
I went to visit Great Grandma King yesterday. After that we went to see Shrek III. It was good and kinda funny. We then stopped at Wendy's and got supper to take home. We got in the hot tub and it was fun. Later Grandma read me a story and I fell asleep. I slept until 8:15 and now I am ready for the day.
I miss you guys.
Love and XOXOXOXOXO, Emily

Jammy Straub said...

Glad all is well! Toilet seat shopping eh? Me and Jody went to the Broadripple art fair today, twas super fun.

Keep cool.