Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Its a boy!!!!!!


Its official, he is our son and Emma's brother. The court went well. We went to a really large government building to met the translator... at 2 till 3:00 we still could not find him. Thru a series of phone calls we found out we were at the wrong large government building. This was a court house the size of a small office. We were only 2 minutes late. very nervous. the judge was a kind senior judge. he smiled and tried to keep us calm. After a series of questions....nothing major.. name, date of birth, can we care for him ... etc. He told us this was a noble thing we are doing and came back with a favorable decision on our behalf. We will have to wait the 10 day "petition" time and on the 11 day he will sign the decree. And we can then take Cole from the orphanage.
We will have a few days of paperwork and travel. We have to go to his birth town.. 3 hours away, get a passport, get a visa, a new birth certificate and a medical check up. Most of that is done in Kiev. We are about 11 hours by train from Kiev. yeah the count down has started!!

Cole is doing great. He cried really bad when we left him last night... it was sad. He can now say Hi, Bye, Yes, No, eye, ear, and marchy marchy..... ( when we walk, we march) . The staff seem impressed that he says Hi and Bye to us in english. He is very quick. He needs to play with his sister. You will want to show him your lace up cards emma.... i think he would like that.

Today we will go shopping for diaper bag stuff for Cole, a blanket to play on and we need a stroller. That one may be a challenge... especially for a small one. Back to the open air market to see what treasures we can find. Emma we found you the most wonderful little skirt. Its very fancy schmancy!!!!!!

We love getting your comments... someone else actually communicating in english is a wonderful thing. Hope you are all doing great. We really really want to come home... but it will be worth the wait. Time to go find food... maybe pizza today!!

Love you Emma, miss you soooooo much. kisses and hugs from mommy, daddy, and your little brother Cole!!


Monica Bowden said...

CONGRATULATIONS ON YOUR NEWEST ARRIVAL!!! The Bowden's are very excited and happy for you. We are all so anxious to meet Cole and see you and Andy again.

The playdate was wonderful. It was so nice to get together with everyone. Of course, we missed your presence very much. Hearing your voice was great!!!

Work is going great, I miss IM'ing you very much. We are very busy at this of the month. Call volume is high, we are always in yellow alert. Jane says they are busy unpacking. No news on Liz and baby, yet.

Now that the hardest part is over, I hope you and Andy have a great time and enjoy the sights around you.

tara m. said...

Congrats on your successful court appoinment!! Not too long now until the three of you will be home - you must be so thrilled!

Looking forward to hearing all about it when you get home...

Jammy Straub said...

Congratulations! The play date was fun even Granny had a good time :-) wink wink, Grandma punched me repeatidly for bringing her.

Pat Nicholai on the head for me and make sure to show him lots of pictures of people with beards so he's not scared of me...

Rusher's said...

Granny went on a play date! Jammy Jo - you BEHAVE!